Urethral Stricture

Basic Facts
- Urethral stricture is a narrowing of the urethra, the tube through which urine exits the body.
- Urethral stricture may be caused by inflammation, scar tissue, trauma, a congenital abnormality or, rarely, a tumor.
- Urethral stricture blocks the flow of urine and slows the urine stream. In severe cases, it can cause urinary retention..
- More cases of urethral stricture occur in men, because men have a longer urethra that is more prone to damage.
The urethra is the smooth, muscular tube through which urine leaves the body. Because the urethra has a narrow diameter (about as wide as a piece of macaroni), any constriction or narrowing in the tube, called a urethral stricture, can slow the flow of urine. If the constriction is severe, the bladder won’t empty completely, causing urinary retention. Chronic urinary retention can lead to urinary tract infections, bladder distention (swelling), incontinence, and even kidney damage. Urethral strictures are more common in men; in women, urethral strictures are rare.
Symptoms may include:
- Unusually frequent urination;
- Discharge from the urethra;
- Pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen.
Most urethral strictures arise from an injury to the urethra. Common causes of urethral stricture include:
- Medical procedures that involve the urethra; and
- Infections of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
First, the patient describes his or her symptoms and reports any past injuries or infections in the area of the urethra. The physician may then recommend diagnostic tests to verify a stricture, including:
- Urine flow rate (uroflowmetry);
- Cystocscopy or cystourethroscopy;
- Retrograde urethrography;
- Blood tests, urinalysis, and urethral culture.
Treatments include:
- Open surgical reconstruction.
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